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个人简介:长期从事基于近红外光谱技术的农产品品质无损检测、分级及计算机应用与信号处理技术的研究。近年来先后参加省部级以上科研项目多项,国家 863 计划项目“水果品质实时检测和分级机器人系统研究”,2004年教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划“水果内部品质近红外无损检测方法研究”,国家自然基金“基于可见/近红外光谱的水蜜桃糖度和酸度在线实时无损检测方法研究”和“赣南脐橙品质近红外光无损检测方法研究”等与本项目有关的科研工作。涉及生物物料特性研究,近红外光谱分析技术,传感器技术,光纤传导技术,化学计量学,数理统计分析,机械设计与制造,计算机应用技术等的科技领域。并以第一作者发表了与本项目相关的较高学术论文近十多篇。1996.09-2003.07在山西农业大学工程技术学院获得农业机械设计与制造学士和硕士学位;2003.09-2006.09在浙江大学生物系统工程与食品科学学院获得农业机械化工程博士学位。兼职中国农业工程学会青年科技执行委员会委员。目前指导硕士研究生3名,担任过的研究生课程有《信号检测与估计》和《图像分析与小波变换》。







[1]    Huishan Lu, Hanyu Jiang, Xiaping Fu, Haiyan Yu, Huirong Xu, Yibin Ying. 2008. Non-invasive measurements of the internal quality of intact Gannan navel orange by VIS/NIR spectroscopy. Transactions of the ASABE, Vol. 51(3): 1009-1014. (SCIEI同时收录), IF=1.042(2008)


[2]    陆辉山, 应义斌. 2007. 新鲜苹果汁可溶性固形物含量的傅立叶变换近红外光谱检测. 光谱学与光谱分析, Vol. 27(3): 494-498. (SCI收录), IF=0.843(2007)


[3]    陆辉山, 付霞萍, 谢丽娟, 应义斌*. 2007. 可见/近红外光估测完整柑橘水果可溶性固形物含量的试验研究. 光谱学与光谱分析,Vol. 27(9): 1727-1730. (SCI收录), IF=0.843(2007)


[4]    Lu Huishan, Huirong Xu, Ying Yi-Bin*, Fu Xia-Ping, Yu Hai-Yan, Tian Hai-Qing. 2006. Application Fourier transform near infrared spectrometer in rapid estimation of soluble solids content of intact citrus fruits. Journal of Zhejiang University (Science B), 2006. Vol.7(10): 794-799 (EI收录)


[5]    Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*. Temperature influence for Fourier transform near-infrared transmittance measurement of citrus fruit soluble solids contents. Proceedings of SPIE-Optics for Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Foods. 2006.10.1-10.4 Boston Hynes Convention Center in Boston, USA (美国), Vol .6381-21. (EI收录)


[6]    Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu, Xiaping Fu, Haiyan Yu, Haiqing Tian. 2005. Near-infrared spectroscopy for non- destructive determination of soluble solids content of Chinese citrus. Proceedings of SPIE-The internal Society for Optical Engineering on Optical Sensors and Sensing Systems for Natural Resources and Food Safety and Quality, 2005.10.23-10.26, Boston Marriott Copley Place in Boston, USA (美国), VOL 5596. 5996141-10(EI收录)


[7]    Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu. 2005. Application Fourier transform near infrared spectrometry in rapid estimation of soluble solids content of intact citrus fruit. Paper No: 053042, Written for presentation at the 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Sponsored by ASAE, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida, USA (美国), 17-20 July 2005


[8]    Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu. 2005.  Estimation of soluble solids content of apple juice by FT-NIR transmittance spectroscopy. The Proceedings of International Conference on Postharvest Technology &  Quality Management in Arid Tropics, Muscat, Oman, January 31- February 02, 2005


[9]    Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu, Xiaping Fu. Estimating Soluble Solids Content of Apple Fresh Juices by FT-NIR Transmittance Spectroscopy. The Proceedings of International Conference on Postharvest Technology & Quality Management in Arid Tropics, Muscat, Oman, January 31- February 02, 2005


[10] Huishan Lu, Yibin Ying*, Yande Liu. 2004. Application of Nir Spectroscopy Technique In Quality Determination of Milk. Proceedings of 2004CIGR(International Commission of Agricultural Engineering) International Conference, October 11-14, 2004, Beijing, China


[11] 陆辉山, 应义斌*, 刘燕德液态食品成分分析中近红外光谱技术的应用研究. 农业工程学报, 2003, Vol.19(增刊): 205-210




[1]     应义斌, 陆辉山, 徐惠荣. 基于光特性的水果内部品质在线无损检测方法和装置.授权国家发明专利ZL200610049984.8


[2]     应义斌, 陆辉山, 徐惠荣. 水果内部品质光特性在线检测的尺寸补偿方法及装置. 授权国家发明专利ZL200510050694.0




[1]     国家自然基金:“基于可见/近红外光谱的水蜜桃糖度和酸度在线实时无损检测方法研究”,2007.12009.12,参研(排名第二);


[2]     部级项目:“****车辆载荷谱、道路谱、振动谱和噪声谱的检测研究”,20062010参研;


    [3] 山西省青年科技研究基金:老陈醋内部成分的近红外光谱检测研究,2009.12010.12,主持,经费5万元。